Sunday, February 28, 2010

Law Abiding Citizen (4.5 out of 10)

I’m sad to say, but my first movie pick was pretty lame. I’m not sure why, but this week I chose Law Abiding Citizen with Gerard Butler. I’m not a huge fan of action movies and since seeing the awful and disappointing Gamer, I haven’t been a huge fan of Gerard either. But let this be a lesson to us all, just because Blockbuster has ten shelves dedicated to a movie it DOES NOT mean the movie is worth renting. Anyhow…

Having watched his wife and daughter brutally murdered, Clyde Shelton (Butler) is devastated to hear that one of the murderers will be let off easy for providing evidence against his partner, because the district attorney (played by Jamie Foxx) would rather win the case than risk losing it by prosecuting both suspects. After ten years of plotting and preparing Shelton sets out to seek his revenge against the killers, the attorney, the judge, and basically everyone in the legal system involved with the case who didn’t serve justice. Everyone knows he is responsible, however, no one can figure out how he is committing the crimes – especially after they have him in prison.

Here is where the movie becomes so unrealistic, I couldn’t even handle it. I know movies are not real life and most movie plots are pretty unrealistic, but the twist in Law Abiding Citizen is so impossible that I spent twenty minutes shouting, “No way!” and “Bullshit!” at my television. (I’m having flashbacks of watching Iron Man when Eric had to repeatedly explain to me how the arc reactor keeps Tony Stark alive.)

The acting was mediocre throughout and the ending was a real suckfest. Don’t waste your time on this one.


1 comment:

  1. CHRIST! Commenting on this is like trying to crack open Pandora's box or something! Any hooters, we rented Gamer this week and you're right. Epic cinematic fail of Gigli proportions. As far as this movie, even though Gerard Butler is on my 'to-do list' any thing with Jamie Foxx is off limits.

    (it's natalie btw)
